Enforcing a Change Control Process in RQM
In RTC we can meet these requirements through a combination of preconditions: requiring a work item to be able to deliver change sets and requiring that work items used to deliver change sets match a query. I'm not seeing any way to automate the enforcement of this RQM ... even in 6.0.1. In 5.x, we're manually linking a work item to the asset (e.g., test script) that needs to be changed...and we're requiring approvals in RQM, but it's up the approver to make sure that there is a work item that authorized the change.
I was hoping that things would be different in 6.x, but even there, with global configurations and personal streams a possibility, I don't see anything helping to automate compliance.
One answer
All the modifications are tracked in the test artifact history, therefore you can report on who has made changes and when.
In addition, the integrated review and approval capability can be used to enforce that changes are reviewed and approved before test artifacts move to the state approved. A rule can be set so that only approved test cases can be executed.
We should look at the detailed use cases this customer would like to implement in RQM and see how best to map it with all the existing capabilities.
Hi Christophe,
Thank you for your reply. What permission(s) are you referring to?
The Formal Review feature is being used. It does not meet the requirements because It's up to the approver to manually determine if a work item had been created that authorized the change.
The pre-condition(s) that only allow execution of approved test cases/scripts are not related to this issue at all. The gap is about controlling change; not about controlling execution.
We're not looking to simply report who made changes; we're looking for automation to assist in preventing changes from being delivered that have not been authorized (before the fact, not after the fact). Again, think RTC change sets and rules that can be applied that prevent delivery of unauthorized change.