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In RQM v4, Can I create snapshot on Test Plan/Case automatically ?

yk wu (4611016) | asked Aug 27 '12, 4:05 a.m.
Dear All,

In RQM v4, Can I  create snapshot on Test Plan/Case automatically (perhaps once a week)?

Thanks in advance,

Accepted answer

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Hao Wan (1.5k35) | answered Aug 27 '12, 4:37 a.m.
Hi yk,
as test plan and test case are support SNAPSHOT HTTP request, one alternative way is to write a script and use RQM REST API.
and set the time to do the SNAPSHOT every week. 

and you can search "Create a Snapshot" from
yk wu selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Pramod Chandoria (2.1k11220) | answered Aug 27 '12, 7:08 a.m.
edited Aug 27 '12, 7:08 a.m.
Hello YK
Yes REST API is one way. Are you looking for something like scheduling Snapshot, lets say every 3 months?
This is not possible with current RQM but I am interested to know if this is something you are interested in?

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