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notification for pending work item approval

yair shaked (13297) | asked Mar 18 '10, 9:45 a.m.

i have set the policy "required work item approval" ,from developer aspect when he try to deliver he get error "requirement of work item approval not met" , that raised several question

1. how the developer knows who need to approve his work item?
2. how the developer knows that the approver approve his work item , beside looking for it on the event log?
3. how the approver can know that he have approve task waiting for him beside running the "pending approval for me" , ( he want to know about it in real time)
4. i'm the team leader and this policy is also work for my work items , how is going to approved my work items?

thanks in advanced

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 19 '10, 9:03 a.m.

in 2.0 we don't have an e-mail notification.
You can use queries "pending approvals for me" etc. that can be used in Dashboards and Team Central. Role would see that they have open requests that are still unapproved or already approved, other see which approvals they have to process.

The required approval can specify a role that is needed to approve. The user would pick someone from the team with that role.

The condition can be set by and configured by role if you are team lead you could be allowed to deliver always or specify that in your case you only need a role that is not team lead see:



i have set the policy "required work item approval" ,from developer aspect when he try to deliver he get error "requirement of work item approval not met" , that raised several question

1. how the developer knows who need to approve his work item?
2. how the developer knows that the approver approve his work item , beside looking for it on the event log?
3. how the approver can know that he have approve task waiting for him beside running the "pending approval for me" , ( he want to know about it in real time)
4. i'm the team leader and this policy is also work for my work items , how is going to approved my work items?

thanks in advanced

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