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"Future work" under "My work" displays c

Abigail Samuel (1154) | asked Feb 22 '10, 3:25 a.m.

Under "My Work" > "Future Work", I understand that only open work items should be displayed. However, I can also see closed work items from previous sprints.

Is there some way to exclude these work items from this view?


P.S. We have recently switched from RTC 1.0 to RTC I did not use the "My work" view previously, so I'm not sure how the "Future Work" items were displayed when we were on RTC 1.0.

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Millard Ellingsworth (2.5k12431) | answered Nov 29 '10, 5:44 p.m.

Under "My Work" > "Future Work", I understand that only open work items should be displayed. However, I can also see closed work items from previous sprints.

I wish someone had previously answered this so I wouldn't have to ask it again, fearing the same treatment...

We recently split from a single Project Timeline to timelines for our Sustaining activities and for new development activities. I don't use the "Future Work" panel of the "My Work" view often, but I noticed that just about every thing that had ever been assigned to me in the project area, completed or not, no matter how long ago, now appears in the Future Work panel.

This feels like a defect, but perhaps I've misconfigured something? I dug around the My Work view options and could not find a way to reconfigure, but...

So in case Abigail is still listening, we'd both like to know. ;-)


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