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How can we logout from EWM using java code

2 answers

I'm not aware of a "log me out" operation - the closest equivalent in HTTP terms would be to delete the session where you're connected to ELM so the authentication cookie is erased. I'm not sure how that's done in Java but presumably connecting creates a POJO and you have to ensure it's deleted?

It also is likely asking the wrong question.
- If you use the Plain Java Client Libraries/SDK,
- There is a logout that is shown in the snippets that come with the Plain Java client libraries.
- There is no need to log out. You can use the caching mode to resolve/refresh/reload the item.

Did you read the answer? I am not so sure.
Your are likely using the Plain Java Client Libraries.
Dependent on the code you use, you can pass parameters to refresh the item. e.g. in IItemManager.fetch* or IAuditableCommon.resolveAuditable().
See https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2013/03/20/understanding-and-using-the-rtc-java-client-api/ and https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2013/01/02/working-with-work-item-attributes/