Deploying Custom WAR file on WebSphere Liberty

We want to deploy a custom WAR file on our WebSphere Liberty Server. Earlier we had Traditional WebSphere configured for hosting the ELM Applications. Also, we had deployed a custom war file on Traditional WebSphere. Now then, we have migrated to WebSphere Liberty, how do we deploy the war file wrt the Liberty.
Can anyone help here
2 answers

This is the documentation for WLP on how to deploy applications:

In easy steps:
1) Rename you app.war file to
2) Unpack your to app.war directory
3) Move file and directory to /opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/liberty/servers/clm/apps
4) Edit /opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/liberty/servers/clm/apps/conf/application.xml
5) Add following line to your application.xml file
<application type="war" id="rediapp" name="rediapp" location="${server.config.dir}/apps/rediapp.war" context-root="/">
context-root is context under which application willl be available.
6) Restart your liberty server