Group_concat - how to make a Carriage return as separator?
In Reporting I can use Grouo_Concat to bring the data together into a single Cell in the output. Its easy to separate it by comma or such - how can I get it to separate the data by a carriage return?
Eg for An enumerated data output I want it to report ( within a single Excel Cell) as
Rather than as
Open, Closed
I tired Control M and Hex code for Carriage return - neither worked.
Thanks in advance
Accepted answer
The problem here is that straight characters like "," translate to all display formats but new lines doesn't.
If you were outputting the report to a text format then I would try "\r\n" as the separator characters.
If you are outputting to the screen where the output is HTML then I would try "<br>", but it's possible that the parser will remove this raw HTML for security reasons