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Validated Requirements still showing up in Report

Roger Lind (131) | asked Sep 18 '23, 1:05 p.m.

 I am trying to build a report that shows all of the system specifications that aren't validated by a test case yet. In report build I choose system specification as my artifact. Then in the trace relationships and add artifacts section I choose validated by test case. In the relationship: drop down I choose "Does not exist". However, specifications are included in the report that are validated by test cases. There is no test case in the report but when I go to the requirement in DNG it has a validated by link to a test case. Those requirements also show up when I choose required with the link to the test case.

David Honey commented Sep 18 '23, 2:16 p.m.
You haven't asked a question in your post.

Presumably, you want to find out why you're getting the report results you see. Answering that type of question will require more information than you can likely disclose here. I suggest you submit a ticket to IBM Rational support who will work without to gather the information needed for investigation.

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