RTC How to get the values of a Enumerated list in script

Workflow manager (RTC) 7.0.2
I have a attribute that is a enumerated list thus having possibly multiple values. I need to query these values in a script to set another attribute but it seems not to work. I can get the number of values that are set, but how to I get to the actual values? Code I have is
var AttValueList = workItem.getValue("change_system");
var numvals = AttValueList.length
var System = "TESTXXXX...";
for (var i = 1; i <= numvals; i++) {
System = System + i + AttValueList[i].id
// the above line works without the
// + AttValueList[i].id
// part so I know I am going through the loop
// what I am really after is this
// if (AttValueList[i].id === "SystemENUM.literal.l2") {System = System + "RS ";}
I must be missing something simple but cannot figure it out.
2 answers

Try AttValueList[i].content

Thanks Davyd
Tried that and it gives me undefined for all values.
Any further ideas?

Hmmmm - that's what you use for String Lists, but it looks like Enumeration Lists are a lot quirkier.
I've just been digging round in the code and they are not treated the same way as either String Lists or Enumerations. They seem to be considered Value Sets but the code that retrieves the values is very obscure. I'll do some more digging