OSLC RM API for fetching the module level artifacts
Hi Team,
From the OSLC API I am able to get the artifacts details at project area level alone by using the below URL referred from 2013-05-15-oslc-workshop.pdf (jazz.net)
API URL : along with OSLC Properties
https://localhost:9443/rm/views?oslc.query=" projectURL=https://localhost:9443/rm/process/project-areas/_ZhVXgMFNEeyTFZxYK2px-A&oslc.searchTerms="ABC"&oslc.prefix=j.0=http://localhost.com/rm/ns/artifactattributes/">https://localhost:9443/rm/views?oslc.query=true&projectURL=https://localhost:9443/rm/process/project-areas/_ZhVXgMFNEeyTFZxYK2px-A&oslc.searchTerms="ABC"&oslc.prefix=j.0=<http://localhost.com/rm/ns/artifactattributes/>&oslc.select=*
Similarly, can you please help me on how to fetch the module level artifacts details by using the OSLC RM API?
DNG Version used : 7.0.2
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Sep 11 '23, 3:20 a.m.These are the available APIs: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Deployment/CLMProductAPILanding
I have touched various of these APIs, but for DNG, I do not have "copy/paste me my solution" examples.