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running a jazz rtc server under a non-root userid (on unix)

Chris Cawthorne (962819) | asked Dec 11 '09, 9:20 a.m.
We have currently installed our Jazz RTC servers using the root userid and all the files are now owned by root, and RTC's java process is also owned by root. Is there anything we need to take into account if we want to run it under a different userid?
As part of this, we plan to change ownership of all the RTC files from root to the userid that we want to run under? Is this ok/desirable/necessary?

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Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | answered Jul 29 '21, 9:50 a.m.
edited Aug 04 '21, 5:09 a.m.
There is also a new document how to migrate it on WAS: Run ELM products under a non-root user.
However you can try the following steps:
1. Install ELM as non-root user. Do not rerun the setup.
2. Move conf directory from root installation to non-root and change the ownership from root to non-root user.
3. Move <ELM-install>/server/liberty/servers/clm/server.xml file and <ELM-install>/server/liberty/servers/clm/conf directory from old installation to new and change the ownership from root to non-root user.
These files contain the information about the authentication to Liberty.
Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | answered Oct 15 '13, 7:24 a.m.
Hello Chris,
We had similar issue investigated in internal escalation. Here are the steps how you can switch to running the tool as non root user. Please only test it before on your testing environment.


1. Take a DB backup before starting the migration.

2. Login to RTC server as root

3. Stop RTC service
         cd /<server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer/server

4. Take a backup of the RTC installation directory
*** Make sure enough space is available and exclude /<server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer/server/tomcat/work/Catalina
*** You could delete the catalina Temp dir which would be occupying a lot of space. This gets populated on the next restart.

        rm -r  /<server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer/server/tomcat/work/Catalina
        cp -r  /<server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer /apps/wload/zdgp/app/IBM2/JazzTeamServer.backup

### Making sure that the original installation directory is kept unchanged.
    mv /<server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer /<server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer.root
    mv /<server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer.backup /<server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer

    e20018265@gbrpsr000000687 PROD $ df -kh .
    Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                      404G   32G  352G   9% /apps
    e20018265@gbrpsr000000687 PROD $

5. Take a backup of /tmp directory     
       mkdir /<server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer.root/tmp
       cp -r /tmp /<server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer.root/tmp

6. Remove the temp files (Make sure tmp directory is having access to everyone)
        rm -rf /tmp/_JazzRepo*
        rm -rf /tmp/versionedcontentservice
        rm -rf /tmp/contentservice

7. Change the ownership of the installation directory
    chown -r jazzadmin:jazzadmin /<server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer

8. Change the content of file as follows
*** This step is carried out to make sure indices are written to a faster disk rather than the current disk where slow disk IO is reported in the logs.
    mkdir /<server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer/server/indices    -><server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer/server/indices                   -><server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer/server/indices

9. Change the ownership of the path mentioned in given in step 6
    chown -r jazzadm:jazzadm /<server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer/server/indices

10. Re-Index RTC by running the following commands
       cd /<server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer/server
       ./ -reindex all
       ./ -reindex all
       ./ -reindex all

11. Logout as root
12. Login as jazzadm
13. Start the service as application account.
    cd /<server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer/server      

14. Double confirm RTC web is up and running - High Level Sanity test
    Run diagonistics    ->    https://<jazz_server_domain_name>:9443/jts/admin
    Search workitems
    Search dashboards    ->    https://<jazz_server_domain_name>:9443/jts/dashboards/all
    Create workitems


1. Login as jazzadm and stop RTC
    cd /<server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer/server
2. Login as root
3. Move the installation folder owned by jazzadm
    mv /<server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer /<server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer.jazzadmin

4. Roll back the installation folder owned by root
     mv /<server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer.root /<server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer
5. Restore the DB
6. Start the RTC
    cd /<server_install_path>/JazzTeamServer/server

7. Conduct Sanity test
    Run diagonistics    ->    https://<jazz_server_domain_name>:9443/jts/admin
    Search workitems
    Search dashboards    ->    https://<jazz_server_domain_name>:9443/jts/dashboards/all
    Create workitems

Narayanan Potti commented Dec 14 '15, 4:11 p.m.


I wanted to know if anyone tried steps listed here and got it working ? I had installed Rational CLM 6.0 as root on AIX 7.1 TL3 Service Pack 5. I am required to change the ownership & permissions so that application is started and run by service account RATADM. 

If anyone can share their insight into this it'll be greatly appreciated. 

Daisy Huang commented Jun 02 '20, 4:51 a.m. | edited Jul 29 '21, 9:51 a.m.

 Hi ,Have you tried the steps listed here? I'm facing the same request now. Narayanan 

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