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How to fetch the RQM Test data from multiple components using OSLC API?

I am trying to fetch the testcases/testresults data from RQM using the OSLC API. But I can get the data only for one particular component. I cannot get data from the other components in the project area. I am using the below steps for fetching the data.
Accepted answer

header set to the ETM stream I am interested in, I see the test cases from that stream. I can repeat for a different ETM stream (and component), and I see test cases from that other stream. I also tried specifying a global configuration, but it appears that ETM chooses the first local ETM configuration in that GC hierarchy.
One other answer

In most ELM applications, the service provider is specific to a project area, and if it declares any query capabilities, they will only return artifacts for that project area. If you want to query artifacts from multiple project areas, you will need to discover the query capabilities for each project area of interest and query each in turn.

Hi David,

You likely get the data for the default component. You will have to first find the components and somehow provide the configuration for that. I have not looked at the OSSLC API for ETM so much, so I can't tell how to get the components. I think they should be discoverable as well.