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In RTC, what is the expression syntax for a plan view that would just have two fileAgainst attributes in it

Namrata B (215) | asked May 10 '22, 11:22 a.m.
Hi all,

 I am trying to get two specific filedAgainst attributes in scrum template RTC 7.0.2 planview  excluding the others.
I tired to create two exclude expressions !filedAgainst:
Also i tired !(filedAgainst:_____ or filedAgainst:____)
=!filedAgainst:____  !filedAgainst:_____
But the queries wont work
Can any one please help.

Thanks in advance

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 25 '22, 10:47 a.m.

 I do not have the impression that ! works for categories. It works for me if I try to create exclusions for the categories I do not want to see.

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