Removed or Deleted a SCM Component, Unable to create the component with the same name.
Hi Team,
One answer
If a user creates a component, it is by default a private component. Deleting a component from a stream does not delete the component. So the component is still there. Why would you want to delete the component? Deleting a component is not supported (afaik). What you can do, is to rename it and change the owner to some user to keep them and then make it private to get them out of the way.
The user can search the component in the Eclipse client in the "My Source Control\My Components" view in the EWM client and use Advanced Search in the Source Control section to search component. An administrator can see all components. So you can find the component and make it visible. The component can be reused or renamed, whatever suites you best.
Hi Ralph, thanks for your reply.
You need to have the JazzAdmin repository role, otherwise you have to ask the owner of the component - the person that created it to look it up and make it public visible and/or rename it.
In the Web Client open Source Control in any project on that server. Then select Search Advanced Search. Select Component, enter a pattern for the name leave everything else blank. You should find the component.