Is there any capability of adding Microsoft teams calendar or Microsoft outlook calendar to EWM .
One answer
There is no capability to add calendars to EWM.
My suggestion would be to add a task for peer review and assign to the person conducting the review, with due dates enforced. These tasks can then be added as child tasks to the main work, where they will then appear in the planning views and will be able to be tracked as outstanding work.You could easily add widgets on the dashboard to show the status of reviews as well.
This approach will give you much better visibility of the status of the review and who is doing them or not.
Thank you for you reply. What do we mean by 'main work' here? You mentioned to add them as child task . How they will appear to planning views?
I am assuming you have some sort of work items that describe the thing you need to build/develop and then review. This would be a higher level planning item, and you would then have a number of lower level implementation items as child tasks underneath, one of which would be your peer review that you would assign.
The top level planning item would then show the rolled up effort from the child tasks and what remains to be done. You can set it so that the main top level item cannot be closed until all children are resolved
Davyd Norris
Oct 29 '24, 7:13 p.m.sam fd
Oct 29 '24, 8:18 p.m.Need calendar that is accessible to whole team to add events .For creating peer reviews. Automatically add ,delete and modify reviews to calendar.