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Clone Module in DNG - Link

Chidambaram L (23414287) | asked Feb 20 '22, 12:07 p.m.
edited Feb 21 '22, 12:16 a.m.
I am using DNG 702. LDX installed & a job is configured for DNG Artifacts.

DNG Project A has 2 components A & B; both components use the same Type System. Link Validity enabled.

Component A has Baseline A1.
GC Configuration has Component A Baseline A1 & Component B Initial Stream.
I have cloned a module from Component A - baseline 1 to Component B. Will a link be created from Source Requirement to Target requirement. If so, how to I see the link.

Following is my view in the Target module; Config Context is the GC Config.

Target Module View

I have edited a Requirement in the cloned (target) module of Component B. How do I see a Link Validity, showing a change in requirement.

One answer

permanent link
Ian Barnard (2.0k613) | answered Feb 21 '22, 3:30 a.m.
edited Feb 21 '22, 3:31 a.m.

 Hi Chid

LDX installed & a job is configured for DNG Artifacts.

LDX is irrelevant to your question as this is entirely within a single DNG app and project.

UNLESS you have multiple RM on different JTS you do not ever need a DNG data source in LDX - it's a waste of resources.

 Will a link be created from Source Requirement to Target requirement

By "source" do you mean the source of the clone, and by target do you means the destination of the clone?

  • When you clone an RM artifact, a new version is added to the stream that you work in, and that artifact now exists in two different configurations.
So your 'target' is a different version of the same artifact as the "source" and you can't create a link to/from a single artifact. The cloning process therefore can't create such a link and you can't create one manually.

As the documentation also says: "You cannot add [both] those configurations to the same global configuration."

Coming back to your question: [by cloning] Will a link be created from Source Requirement to Target requirement?

No it won't.

The purpose of cloning is: "Reorganize how artifacts are grouped in your project area by cloning them from one component into another. When you clone an artifact, a new version is added to the stream of the component that you work in."

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