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is it possible make field mandatory in doors ng other than title?

aresha vora (2110) | asked Oct 02 '20, 4:40 a.m.

is it possible make field mandatory in doorsng other than title? if so, how? as not getting any option in project/component properties to make field mandatory.

2 answers

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Ian Barnard (2.0k613) | answered Oct 02 '20, 10:12 a.m.

Not in one operation. You have to create an attribute and then add the attribute to the artifact types you want it on - all of them in your case.

aresha vora commented Oct 04 '20, 12:48 p.m.

This way only attribute will added to artifact type and available during create/update of a artifact screen. but my purpose is to create mandatory field for create time.  as such only title is mandatory field. i want to create field which mandatory to set by end user during create.

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Adrian Haw (2741242) | answered Oct 19 '20, 3:30 a.m.
edited Oct 19 '20, 3:36 a.m.

It's not possible to make attributes mandatory. There are enhancement requests on this topic so I'd recommend up-voting them in "Developerworks". This is the latest request  -if you want to upvote it - here but that proposal is, in my opinion, quite dangerous because if implemented as described it won't let you save an artifact without entering data in a mandatory attribute. The thing with mandatory attributes is that populating with a value is part of the lifecycle of an artifact and in many cases you need a value at a certain place in the lifecycle and NOT always as soon as it is created or even when edited (if you didn't yet reach that state of the lifecycle). In my opinion you'd need to define a lifecycle per artifact type and then associate mandatory or not mandatory according to the lifecycle state.

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