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blue arrow icon in links viewed in DOORS NEXT (ALM 6.06)

Marie-Emilie Bion (3510) | asked Dec 15 '21, 10:25 a.m.
edited Dec 15 '21, 10:52 a.m.

What does this icon (a blue arrow added next to the link icon) mean ?

For understanding :

- All DNG-RQM or DNG-DNG links with this bue arrow icon are grayed out

- they cannot be exported, either by the XL view export or by JRS.

Note: the PA (DNG and RQM) are in a global configuration context


Accepted answer

permanent link
Davyd Norris (2.6k217) | answered Dec 15 '21, 6:57 p.m.
The blue arrow means that the end of the link you're looking at was made in the global context ie. made directly against the artefact itself, sitting in a folder in the Artifacts view.

This link will be visible in every context in which you view the artefact.

If you are seeing the blue arrow, it means you're looking at it from a module context, and this is why it's not being exported - the link isn't sitting in the context you're trying to export from
Marie-Emilie Bion selected this answer as the correct answer

Marie-Emilie Bion commented Dec 16 '21, 5:11 a.m. | edited unknown

Very usefull answer, and exactly what I had in mind. Thank you very much for this help :)

2 other answers

permanent link
Marie-Emilie Bion (3510) | answered Dec 16 '21, 5:10 a.m.

Very usefull answer, and exactly what I had in mind. Thank you very much for this help.

permanent link
Diana Kraaijeveld (57727) | answered Dec 16 '21, 6:40 a.m.

Also good to know:
In general, as explained, the blue arrow on a link means that the link is related to a base artifact (artifact in a folder) and not to a module binding (artifact in a module).

For all link types, by default these links are not exported unless you set the rm/admin >advanced property "EnableCoreBaseArtifactLinksWhenExporting" to true.

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