OSLC Query for fetching list of Requirements and Testcases based upon modification Date
Accepted answer
Hi Jyoti
- oslc.where=dcterms:modified>"2020-07-01T21:51:40.979Z"^^xsd:datetime
- oslc.prefix=dcterms=<http://purl.org/dc/terms/>
- OSLC-Core-Version: 2.0
- vvc.configuration: https://jazz.ibm.com:9443/rm/cm/stream/_NMu5RtcLEeqXpuBdEolY7w
- Accept: Application/rdf+xml
Hi Ian,
Just to nit-pick. That URL does not appear to be an OSLC query compliant one. oslc.query is not defined by the OSLC Query 3.0 specification. The parameter for specifying a query expression in OSLC Query is oslc.where.
Your oslc.where unencoded query expression is dcterms:identifier=9, so it's not querying on dcterms:modified. I think what Ian is suggesting is something like (unecoded) dcterms:modified > "2021-07-01T21:51:40.979Z"^^xsd:datetime.
See the update to my answer. Not sure why you're using oslc.query; you should be using oslc.where
Updated my answer - the same oslc.where using dcterms:modified also works for Engineering Test Management
Checked and oslc.query=true is part of the query capability base URL the DN provides - so that's correct to appear in a full OSLC Query URL to DOORS Next.
2 other answers
I don't know about reportable REST for test plans. However, https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/ReportsRESTAPI shows a common modified property. Try using that instead of updated.