DNG6.0.6 using olsc query fetch artifacts fails

set header as :
oslc like:
By using same link ,just change project Id, some projects can get query result like have 1120 artifaces
buy some projects get blank or can not get query result
any know why like this?is it influence by GC?
One answer

Your query is specifying a configuration of https://peedp.saic-gm.com/rm/cm/stream/_HiiApkRkEeme5ofe9pCMuQ which is a DN local configuration. No global configuration involved. That stream will be part of a component that belongs to a DN project area. Querying for other project areas will be querying for artifacts that are not part of that component and hence find no objects. If you want to query for resources in some other project area, I think you have to use a DN configuration that is for a component in that project area.Alternatively, specify a global configuration that has contributions from the appropriate DN configurations across your DN project areas.

sorry, I paste wrong link ,the correct one without vvc.configuration
correct link as below:

Is that project area opted in for configuration management?
If so, I think the query needs to specify a configuration context.