RM API - Create Validate By Link using RM.Data.createLink?
Trying to script setting a "Validated By" link from a DOORS artifact to an RQM Test Step. I've got the artifactRef and the test step's dcterms:identifier, which is a URL. I tried using:
RM.Data.createLink(artifactRef, RM.Data.VALIDATED_BY, testStepURL, callback);
But this results in return code: OPERATION_BAD_REQUEST being returned to my callback function.
Does the RM API support linking to test artifacts? If not, is there a supported method of setting a 'Validated by' link programatically?
2 answers
Hello Dave,
it works if you create an RM.ArtifactRef-object. But you only name the uri (is the encoded uri from the test case). Then use the ref-object within the creatLink function. If the you have a proper link-validity it works.
For example:
refQmArtefact = new RM.ArtifactRef("https://jazz.net.luerssen.de/qm/oslc_qm/contexts/_ZOVWgGXwEeue2Jcn-jeQFA/resources/com.ibm.rqm.planning.VersionedTestCase/_ZzvJ0GYVEeue2Jcn-jeQFA");
RM.Data.createLink(refRequierment, RM.Data.VALIDATED_BY, refQmArtefact, function(res){});
I am not sure if You understood question from Dave. We are talking about links between QM and RM.
I am absolut sure, that I understood the question right. I have added an example-code to my answer.
by the way we know each other from an Jazz installation 1,5 years ago in Bremen via web-session. Do you remember me?