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Base artefact links missing in view data schema for DNG reportable API

Henryk Tomczyk (1337) | asked May 01 '20, 7:46 a.m.
 Dear Jazz team,

I have question related to DNG reportable API. We are using views schema which is displaying the data for the module

Sample URL:

Our issue is that the response is missing column with the links (links are between base artifacts).

And now my question is, if it is possible to display base artifacts links using this view by adding some parameter to the request or will it only display module context links.

Accepted answer

permanent link
Bartosz Chrabski (3.4k22949) | answered May 01 '20, 7:49 a.m.
If you add the option "viewDisplayBaseProperties=true" to the DNG Publish URL for a View in the module context,
it should then add the links from the Core artifacts.

For example:





Henryk Tomczyk selected this answer as the correct answer

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