Setting up Jazz Authorization Server fails with invalid jas URL
Setting us the JasSingle Sign on
I'm at the point where we already had an install and we're adding on top of so using the -prepareJsaSsoMigration
So I'm now running on JTS the repotools-jts migrateToJsaSso ... the error I'm getting is directlly related to my JAS server claiming that its not the correct URL ... however, the URL I'm inputting is exactly the same one as I use to validate that JAS is running.
https://{servername}:9643/oidc/endpoint/jazzop/.well-known/openid-configuration ... exactly which part of that is the migrateToJsaSso expecting as I've tried all combinations and they all fail with the same error.
CLM ifix16
Windows servers
built in liberty
Shubjit Naik
May 12 '21, 8:00 a.m.Hi Karen
Karen Steele
May 12 '21, 8:56 a.m.Karen Steele
May 12 '21, 9:09 a.m.Shubjit Naik
May 12 '21, 10:33 a.m.Thank you for confirming.