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[closed] Cannot reach the site by the public url for the jazz team server

I installed ELM-Web-Installer-Win-7.0.2 on my computer. The jazz team server is running. A default public url was generated during the installation. I used this url on another computer and tried to access the website which is hosted by the jazz team server. But I got an error message "This site can't be reached". Can anyone please help me with this issue? Or do you have any idea about this issue? Thanks a lot.
The question has been closed for the following reason: "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by davidhoney Jul 31 '23, 3:44 a.m.
Accepted answer

You should rarely, if ever use the default generated URL. That URL may only work on the one machine. When you register a server, the URL is tied to that server, and every link it creates in the database. If you choose to change the URL, you'll have to either reinstall the server, or call IBM Support to get a "server rename token". If you don't have any data on the server, then a reinstall is the fastest way.

To add to Kenny's info, for production usage, use a FQDN (fully qualified domain name), one that can be DNS resolved anywhere in your organization. Often customers choose a separate name for each server and have the server behind a proxy that can redirect to a physical machine - see https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/elm/7.0.3?topic=topology-reverse-proxy-servers-in-topologies. In that way, if a server moves to a new machine, its public hostname and the public URIs hosted on it remain unchanged.

I think the issue here is a lack of basic understanding how TCP/IP networks work. This is kind of out of scope of this forum. We assume the administrator has a basic understanding of DNS, FQDN etc. The lack of information in the original question is telling, I think.