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How to Report on GCs that have Component Skew?

Thomas Kirstätter (181719) | asked Apr 23 '21, 2:45 a.m.
I need some guidance for reporting with JRS based on LQE.
we still have a lot of teams that are in the process of adopting GCs and are rather fresh in the topic.
to support them we have a small expert team that tries to proactively find issues in the GCs the product teams create and offer to help them remove issues.
I would like to create a report that lists al GCs on our Server that currently have Component Skew in their hierarchy.
Is this possible?
If yes, how?

Thank you.

Accepted answer

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David Honey (1.8k17) | answered Apr 26 '21, 4:52 a.m.

Even with a finite set of optional traceabiliy links, this is not possible. If you traverse configuration -contributions-> configuration -component-> component, and then count the number of configurations, a count greater than 1 would indicate component skew directly within that configuration. But it would not detect component skew in a hierarchy where the skew occurred across multiple different children. I do not think it is possible to do what you want in Report Builder with generated SPARQL.

If one ignores the correct handling of overriding contributions from change sets (DNG does not currently publish them to TRS), one might be able to write custom SPARQL to do this. I have never tried to do this. The relevant properties in such a query are:
  • configuration oslc_config:contribution contribution
  • contribution oslc_config:configuration childConfiguration
  • childConfiguration oslc_config:component componentOfChildConfiguration
Feel free to experiment with custom SPARQL in LQE.

Best regards,
Thomas Kirstätter selected this answer as the correct answer

Thomas Kirstätter commented Apr 26 '21, 5:00 a.m.

Thank you very much. I will see what I can do.

2 other answers

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Fariz Saracevic (919613) | answered Apr 23 '21, 3:12 a.m.

Hi Thomas,

When creating JRS report, you need to focus/select single GC and therefore, such report is not possible. This is an example what can be done

Fariz Saracevic

Thomas Kirstätter commented Apr 23 '21, 3:26 a.m.
Hi Fariz, thanks for the hint. But I can report on GCs and the GC tree structure itself when using "Lifecycle Query Engine" instead of "Lifecycle Query Engine with Configuration". So, as I can in principle report the complete content of a GC Tree (all Global and Local Contributions) I thought, I could as well somehow detect Component Skew....

The link you shared seems to me rather to help detect artifact Overlap between components, not Component Skew in a GC tree.

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David Honey (1.8k17) | answered Apr 23 '21, 11:01 a.m.

This is currently not possible in Report Builder. Report Builder currently only supports querying specific defined traceability relationships in a non-recursive way. So it is not possible to produce a report of all of the recursive contributions of a GC in Report Builder. Detecting component skew in a GC hierarchy requires analysis of all the recursive contributions of a GC.

GCM does support detection of component skew. By default, GCM shows a warning if the root GC shown in the tree has component skew.

Best regards,

Thomas Kirstätter commented Apr 26 '21, 12:53 a.m.
Thank you for the answer.
I understand, that recursive traceability is not supported. Since I know the max depth of the trees, I could define an explicit non, recursive traceability report that collects all the contributions. Any Idea, if I could detect Component Skew starting from this?

The local warning in the GCM is known of cause but it is cumbersome to click through hundredts of GCms to find the ones with skew, this is why we look for a report based solution.

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