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rtc do not recognize eclipse project

Hi all
It is difficult understand RTC :) at least for me.....
I've connect to a repository, and in the view "Team artifact" under "My repository work space" i chose one of many available and loaded it;
When I load the workspace in my sandbox, i choose "Find and load eclipse project"; So the wizard load for me all source code, and also created a .project file a META-INF folder and a build.properties file;
Beside in the "package explorer" i see the source code, but when i open a java file and want to use a feature of eclipse for example hold the ctrl button and with the mouse click on a method i should want that RTC brings me to de source code of that method (as every eclipse ditribution does), but it is impossible to do;
How I can use this functionality?
Is there a way I can use RTC as a normal IDE to make development debug and so on?
really thanks
Accepted answer

this does not fit in a comment, so here as answer.
There is a sample (JKE Banking) that is shipped with ELM. There is a lengthy description how to set it up as part of the documentation https://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSYMRC/clm_family_welcome.html
It includes a fully blown Web Application in the SCM that can be loaded and built.
For a Java hello world, there is this amazing thing called internet, where you should be able to get such samples.
I also ran this query: https://www.google.com/search?q=team+concert+how+to+share+a+project&oq=team+concert+how+to+share+a+project and there is a result to our documentation and also a youtube video.
To get a minimal viable project in Eclipse do:
Create Project>Java Project give it a name e.g. Test and say finish.
In the project on the src node do New>Class Type a package name e.g. test and a class name e.g. Test and select to get a main method created. Click Finish.
In the Main method in the inner parenthesis type:
System.out.println("Hello world...");
Save your work.

Also https://jazz.net/library/article/126 helps with the concepts
1 vote

really thanks for your help
One other answer

I think the problem is not RTC/EWM, it is rather you do not understand how Eclipse works. Just a guess.
If the wizard creates a .project file, something is wrong. There should have already been a .project file that would be used. If the .project file was created by the load - there is an option for that which you do not mention above - then the .project file and the whole project likely does not have a Java nature and the IDE does not recognize it as Java project. the editors do not work,..... Java nature/natures are used in Eclipse to configure the projects and editors.
A sensible approach would be to create a Java project in Eclipse, that works. And then share that in a workspace, deliver to a stream and start playing.

thanks Ralph,I ' ve used eclipse for many years, but I admit i need to improve knowledge on it;
Anyway is there an example on how to do what you suggest to me?? A simple project can be a main method that print "HELLO WORLD"; But how share that on a workspace and delivery it to a stream??
I've have installed on my machine jazz server rtc and all suite;
Indeed i work for a company that use RTC on avery complicated project, and the guys who worked on that has left the company.... so I'm in a little trouble :)
thanks really much