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How to get list of files within a changeset using lscm CLI?

One answer

lscm list changes <changeset>

Thanks, I have tried that. But it gives a lot of extra information. I am only interested in the files. I am looking for something that's equivalent to "git show --pretty="" --name-only <commitid>"

Thanks, will look into that. That should help. Also, can I get the previous version of a file from a given changeset?

Yes, Right now I run "lscm show history .. " on a file to get all the changsets that this file was a part of, pick the second top most (i.e the last) one from the output and then run "lscm get change ..." to checkout the file in a separate path.

If you want to get the content of a particular version of a file then you can use "lscm get file <file_itemId> <stateId_or_versionId> <path>". Note: There was an issue found with this with respect to symbolic links and was fixed in a later release.

I basically need last version (i.e last changeset) of a file which is a part of a current (latest changeset)

versionId was introduced in 5.0 and is similar to stateId but represented as numbers in increasing order for newer versions of files.