Deleting all dasboards from all project areas
We have a requirement to cleanup/delete dashboards from all projects (all applications). Since they have over 500 projects across all the applications it is not practical to login individually to project areas to do the cleanup. Is there any option to delete all dashboards from all project areas in one go?
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Oct 14 '21, 2:09 a.m.I tried to log in with an admin account. The UI does not even provide a delete button for other users dashboards. I am not aware of a public API for Dashboards. If I had to, I would try to use the browser development tools and trace the internal API used in the UI to find all dashboards and to delete one in a HAR file. Then I would try if I could use the internal API to automate the process. This is, of course, not supported, so please ignore I ever mentioned this.