When to use "TrackedBy" vs. "ImplementedBy" Links?

I am struggling to understand the difference between the "trackedBy" and "implementedBy" links from Work Items to RM artifacts. I found these descriptions, but they were too abstract to be really helpful for me:
Can someone please provide some concrete examples of use cases of each of these link types? Thanks in advance!
Accepted answer

The "implemented by" link connects a work item to requirement artefact.
The work item is for the person implementing what is described within the requirement.
The original meaning of the tracked by link is to observe the writing of a requirement itself. Or in other words, the work flow how the requirement evolves over time, e.g. from submitted to reviewed. You needed CCM and DNG application for this.
Inside current version of DNG, there is a built-in capability to have a status workflow on a requirement artifact.