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Seeking Guidance on Adding Comments Condition to "Prevent Edit" Configuration for Work Items in IBM RTC

Nikhil Raut (114) | asked Aug 25 '23, 6:56 a.m.

 I'm eager to explore the possibility of introducing a new condition that would enable comments when configuring the "Prevent Edit" behavior for work items. This condition would allow certain users to provide comments even when the work item is locked for editing.

I'm reaching out to the community for guidance on how to achieve this customization effectively.

I'm interested in understanding how I can modify the "Prevent Edit" configuration behavior to include a condition that allows comments.
Any information regarding the steps involved in investigating and implementing this customization would be immensely helpful.

Nikhil Raut commented Aug 28 '23, 3:45 a.m.

Anyone has any idea to do this? 

Nikhil Raut commented Sep 08 '23, 9:01 a.m.

Ralph Schoon can you please suggest?

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Sep 11 '23, 2:31 a.m.

 As far as I am aware, you will have to write your own precondition. Looking into the SDK, you can see the code for the built in precondition. I am not sure about the IP implications if you try. So essentially , you will have to write your own special prevent editing that allows editing in special conditions. You can also configure and remove prevent editing for special roles.

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