How to get information about commits in SCM?
One answer
Look at the history of the component to get those details. Is this question about how to get the details using the API?
Thanks for your help.
We have a need to search all project areas that are using SCM, searching for those information. I think I have to use an API but I don't know which one.
You can get all the project areas using the following API:
ITeamRepository repo;
IProcessItemService itemService = (IProcessItemService)repo.getClientLibrary(IProcessItemService.class);
List<IProjectArea> projectAreas = itemService.findAllProjectAreas(IProcessClientService.ALL_PROPERTIES, null);
To get a list of team areas:
List<ITeamArea> teamAreas = repo.itemManager().fetchPartialItems(projectArea.getTeamAreas(), IItemManager.DEFAULT,
Collections.singletonList(ITeamArea.NAME_PROPERTY_ID), null);
List<ITeamArea> teamAreas = repo.itemManager().fetchPartialItems(projectArea.getTeamAreas(), IItemManager.DEFAULT,
Collections.singletonList(ITeamArea.NAME_PROPERTY_ID), null);
To get the history of a component, look at this forum link: