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Display test case rollup results on RTC work item?

Norman Dignard (356696177) | asked Jun 11 '20, 7:41 a.m.

 Is is possible to display the TC rollup status on the RTC work item?  

2 answers

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Subhajit Bhuiya (6222) | answered Jun 12 '20, 4:15 a.m.

 You can link rollup test case result to RTC work item. Rollup status is not available under richhover.

permanent link
Norman Dignard (356696177) | answered Jun 12 '20, 9:18 a.m.

 Thanks for the reply. 

Can you provide more details on this?  I assume that we first need  create a rollup on the RQM side then link that record to the rtc work item? 

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