RTC rest API / Argument with single quote character in value
I try to do a call to the rtc api in javascript.
The called url look like this :
https://<server-address>:9443/ccm/rpt/repository/workitem?fields=workitem/category[projectArea/name='Container témoin (vision cible SAFe 4.0)' and name='Impact Equipe1 l\'erreur 1']/teamAreas/itemId
My problem is when the name argument contains a single quote.
I have tried encodeURI, encodeURIComponent, String.replace(/'/g, "%27"), and others solutions, but no way.
IF the name argument value contains a single quote, I got a error in return.
Error 500: CRRED0133E: Illegal fields argument. The field 'workitem/category' is not valid. ']' expected.
Any advice about how to pass the single quote character to the name argument ?