RTC freezes on Mac OS Big Sur
5 answers
Big Sur is not yet officially supported by RTC and it is currently under development plan's support it in the coming version(see comments from the dev team here: https://jazz.net/forum/questions/273162/unable-to-download-rqm-excel-add-in-for-mac-os-big-sur )
You may want to try the below and see if it helps:
Open the rtc605 client unzip folder, find the eclipse application file, right click on it, choose show package content, expand the MacOS folder, right click on the eclipse executable file, choose make alias, double click on the eclipse alias file to start rtc 605 client
"Open the rtc605 client unzip folder, find the eclipse application file, right click on it, choose show package content, expand the MacOS folder, right click on the eclipse executable file, choose make alias, double click on the eclipse alias file to start rtc 605 client"
That's how I launch the application on my MacOS. Prior to big sur (catalina) i was able to open the app.
Yesterday I downloaded 6.0.6 Mac zip file. I unzipped. I tried a couple of things which help:
- Edit the eclipse.sh to remove the relative path for java leaving just java after the exec
- Edited jazz/Eclipse.app/Contents/MacOS/eclipse.ini in the same fashion -- stripping the path from the line following -vm
I've found the solution. For RTC Eclipse in Big Sur it needs to point to a compatible Java JDK
1. Download and setup jdk
brew tap AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk
brew install --cask adoptopenjdk8
cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8/Contents/Home/lib
sudo ln -s ../jre/lib/server/libjvm.dylib libserver.dylib
2. Let RTC Eclipse use system jdk instead of bundled jdk
Eclipse -> Show Package Content -> Contents/MacOS/eclipse.ini
remove the -vm path
3. Your Eclipse should be able to run now. If the error still exist, there might be due to conflicting version of jdk installed. U can setup Java path switching, or delete other jdks in