quick planner - how to modify work item drop down menu
Hi, we are using RTC 6.0.6.
I created a quick planner, we have some work items in it.
When I use the down arrow to see details of the work item or when I create a new work item at the top of the lane, I see several fields which I can edit.
How can I modify this set of fields (add a new one, delete an existing one) - so I see different Informations?
(in our case, the displayed fields in the quick planner are not the same as if you view/create a work item in the "normal" way.
Is this a specific editor for the quick planner or what I have to do?
thanks for your help :-)
Accepted answer
This has been implemented in EWM 7.0. See: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSYMRC_7.0.0/com.ibm.team.apt.doc/topics/t_create_QP_workitems.html
One other answer
Hello Andrease, I see it's not implemented. This sounds like a good idea, if you could, please submit this as a Request For Enhancement (see https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/submit-request-enhancement-rfe).