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Where do I find RTC Client for RQM

Éric Hamel (3353) | asked Nov 17 '09, 6:55 p.m.
I've looked all over but can't find the Rational Team Concert - Client for Eclipse IDE installation files that are supposed to be bundled with RQM. I've downloaded the RTC client from the RTC area but that doesn't appear to be the right thing for the Installation Manager.

Can anyone help me find the right files? I called IBM Support but they're clueless and useless.


3 answers

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Éric Hamel (3353) | answered Nov 17 '09, 10:31 p.m.
Problem solved! I had the right RTC client file, but the RQM installation instructions were incorrect. The RTC client (downloaded from the Jazz RTC area) simply needed to be unzipped into its final destination, not installed through the Installation Manager, as the RQM installation instructions mention.

Oh, by the way, the RTC instructions were also a bit wrong, as they indicated to run TeamConcert.exe, which does not exist. Running eclipse.exe did the trick, though.


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John Nason (2.4k1012) | answered Nov 19 '09, 3:51 p.m.
Hey ric,
Glad you worked through your issue.
The RQM 2.0 installation media does include RTC, which you can install using the Installation Manager but downloading RTC directly from their is perfectly reasonable as well.

As far as the RTC instructions, did you get a milestone build, beta, etc? I've noticed the same thing where some of the production builds include a "TeamConcert.exe" in \client\eclipse but some of the other builds just have "eclipse.exe". Don't worry about running eclipse.exe - same thing for all intents and purposes.


Problem solved! I had the right RTC client file, but the RQM installation instructions were incorrect. The RTC client (downloaded from the Jazz RTC area) simply needed to be unzipped into its final destination, not installed through the Installation Manager, as the RQM installation instructions mention.

Oh, by the way, the RTC instructions were also a bit wrong, as they indicated to run TeamConcert.exe, which does not exist. Running eclipse.exe did the trick, though.


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Éric Hamel (3353) | answered Nov 19 '09, 4:34 p.m.
Hi Jason:

The RQM 2.0 installation media does include RTC, which you can install using the Installation Manager but downloading RTC directly from their is perfectly reasonable as well.

I don't have installation media. I downloaded everything from I started with the RQM files and then installed but when I got to installing the RTC client with the installer, it told me that it couldn't find the files. I don't remember if I had disabled the "Check on the web" option, though. That's when I went back to to download the RTC client zip file from the RTC download area.

As far as the RTC instructions, did you get a milestone build, beta, etc? I've noticed the same thing where some of the production builds include a "TeamConcert.exe" in \client\eclipse but some of the other builds just have "eclipse.exe".

I downloaded the client from the 22 september Release of RTC Standard edition.


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