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Page unresponsive for one file in changeset

Norman Dignard (356694176) | asked Jul 17 '20, 12:39 p.m.

 env Jazz 605 ifix 14, no GC/CM, distributed deployment,using liberty

One of our development groups doing ada development is having a problem with RTC.  In trying to approve a WI but looking at the code review for it, (about 50 files)  for one file Jazz comes back with a popup Page unresponsive -  code review.     They were using eclipse . I tried looking at the files in the code review using Chrome browser and get the same popup.  The problem only occurs for this one file, all other files work without issue. No errors are noted in our logs.  This file is one of about 50 in the change set and has the same type manager as other .ada files and the file size is comparable to others.           

Any idea's on why this is occuring?   Clicking the "wait" returns nothing.

Shashikant Padur commented Jul 23 '20, 4:33 a.m.

The popup you mention, does this happen both in RTC Eclipse client as well the browser? There was a known issue which happens only in the browser when the file had too many spaces in it.

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David Lafreniere (4.8k7) | answered Sep 06 '20, 8:42 a.m.

It sounds like you may be hitting this defect:
[Code Review] (potentially adopt newer orion compare) The page becomes unresponsive (long running JavaScript) when opening the compare on a file with a large number of diffs (393183)
As Shashikant suggested, it is likely that the particular file has many changes (either real changes, or many white space changes).

This was fixed in RTC/EWM 7.0.1

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