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Loggining user activity in DNG

Krzysztof Koprowski (1017) | asked May 05 '20, 6:02 a.m.

I am currently working for a customer who deployed IBM DNG solution in restricted network with restricted access and need of security clearance to access the data.

One of the customers requirements right now is to log all the users activities in DNG. Including what requirements were edited and when by whom.

Which logger I should enable to get those informations to rm.log or any other file under logs directory.

Kirk Woods commented May 05 '20, 11:20 a.m.

 You are asking for logging, but it sounds like the customer is looking for an audit trail.  DNG keeps the history of changes to each requirement which contains who, what, and when.  Could it be that you just need to show them how to access the history of a requirement, or produce a report of requirement changes?

Krzysztof Koprowski commented May 06 '20, 8:12 a.m.


We know Audit trail but it is just not enough. Audit trail only show changes in the requirements and we need to know who generated reports, access requirements and did other actions in DNG that is why I asked about logs.

Accepted answer

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Bartosz Chrabski (3.4k22949) | answered May 05 '20, 6:05 a.m.
There is currently no logging option in DNG to allow for user activity information.
The following Foundation RFE is to allow tracking user requests with a unique session ID:

 As this is not something implemented in DNG at present, the only option is to create an specific RFE if the above does not meet your client's requirements.
Krzysztof Koprowski selected this answer as the correct answer

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