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DNG Streams in RTC

Shriraam Balasubramanian (4031339) | asked Nov 24 '21, 11:31 a.m.

Hello All,

We have many DNG Staging Streams within GC.
Our requirement is to mention the specific DNG stream in RTC story as it is very difficult to find the stream it belongs to.

What is the easiest way to link as we dont link using Implements Requirements / Tracks Requirements? We don't intend to link all reqs on RTC story level.

We mention the component in separate field in RTC story but mentioning the Stream is difficult. Any suggestions?

Accepted answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 25 '21, 4:11 a.m.

 I am not aware of a specific link relationship between a work item and a global or local configuration in GC or DNG.

I can see these options:  

Copy the link to the configuration in DNG or in GC.

1. Paste the configuration link into the description and add some text in front of it that says this is the configuration.
2. Create a related artifact link to the configuration

All these options only create a very loose relationship. If you want a better way to display the link and report on it, it would be possible to create a custom attribute e.g. of type short or medium html and have the configuration link pasted into that.

That is what I can come up with at the moment.

Geoffrey Clemm selected this answer as the correct answer

Shriraam Balasubramanian commented Nov 25 '21, 10:01 a.m.

Thank you, Ralf!

Appreciate your comment.

Indeed, I would like to create a custom attribute of HTML and paste the configuration link of the specific DNG Stream. 

Ralph Schoon commented Nov 25 '21, 10:16 a.m.

I'd suggest you play around with it in a test system to see what you can do with it. 

I think you should be able to see the attribute in queries, you could create required attribute and attribute validation and the like. You can also have that information in reports. I would still play with it, if it is what you want. 

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