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Issue about hosting xml/html files to add new widget

Abdelkarim JAJA (111) | asked Mar 29 '22, 1:37 p.m.

 Hey there,

I'm newbie in DNG. I had an issue regarding the hosting xml/html file while using cloud free version.
How can I add the link of those files in this? 
N.B. I hosted the files in localhost server. 
Thanks a lot. 

One answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 30 '22, 3:01 a.m.

Anything you want to link to from DNG has to be reachable from that DNG server. So you need to have access to a publicly reachable application/web server to deploy the files to publish.

Localhost is never reachable from anywhere than the local computer. Some cloud solutions provide tools to connect to on premises hosts e.g. the IBM cloud has the capability to connect using the secure gateway client. 

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