DNG Populated Sample Data 702
Accepted answer
JKE Banking is under Sample top right menu item. How to setup the sample is documented in here: https://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSYMRC/clm_family_welcome.html
Hi Ralph, the ink you have posted does not seem to work but i found the Sample menu. Thanks for that.
Here is the actual JTS URL in case anybody else is looking
and the knowledgecenter page
Is the Automated Meter Reader still available?
Is it available as an archive?
I could reinstall 6.0.6 just to get it but it would be handy if i could avoid having to do that.
I have not used the automated meter reader sample myself. My search seems to indicate it was an RM sample. I can't seem to find it in ELM 7.0.2.
Thanks Ralph
AMR was a very good sample IIRC
Would be nice to see it back in the product
I will maybe try and archive it by reinstalling 606
It would be good of there were an online resource of sample data as archives so we don't rely on product features
I am investigating. It will take time. As far as I can tell, AMR seems to be removed and I do not know about a replacement. The documentation seems to cling to it in 2 places, but I tried in 7.0.2 and couldn't find or deploy it.
One other answer
The Automated Meter Reader Sample is still available in DNG. I checked and 7.0.2. There are other additional examples that are also shipped. These samples are DNG only. The samples can be deployed as follows:
Go to the DNG admin web page.
Create a Project Area, assign users and roles, save.
Open the project area (explore)
You are prompted about the project template
Select apply template
Select the template "Systems Requirement Sample (A sample component containing requirements for the Automated Meter Reader. )"
There are more samples.