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how to do rollback changes

Sudarshan M (107121) | asked Apr 07 '20, 6:17 a.m.


Team has commit couple of changes in RTC and now I see that an error in the latest change and I need to get back to my older version due to some issues in my latest commit.
Can anyone help me in assisting or steps on how to download and use command line to rollback changes to any baseline.

Geoffrey Clemm commented Apr 07 '20, 2:01 p.m.

I assume you mean rollback changes to a stream.   A baseline is immutable, so you cannot roll it back to anything different. 

Accepted answer

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Bhagath P B (4438) | answered Apr 07 '20, 6:23 a.m.

 Hi Sudarshan,

You can use SCM tools which is available in page and use this tool to rollback changes with specific baseline ID.
Please have a look at our video blog regarding this.


Sudarshan M selected this answer as the correct answer

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