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OSLC DnG: How to get validatedBy links?

Param S (2711) | asked Apr 01 '20, 2:06 p.m.

Greetings to all!

I need to get the validatedBy links for DnG artifacts for a Module artifact format.

I had expected that by formulating a URL similar to below I would get the validatedBy links under the traceability element, but the HTTP response never returns the traceability of validatedBy links:

String mainUrl = serverAddress + "/rm/publish/resources?"
+ artifactUuid + "=" + artifactURI + "&projectURI="
+ projectUuid + "&oslc_config.context=" + gcmConfigurationURL
+ "&linksonly=true"

Please let me know if a different/addtional query parameter needs to be added

One answer

permanent link
Cristobal Sandoval (862) | answered Apr 10 '20, 4:56 p.m.

 ValidatedBy links are owned by QM application, probably those could be retrieved using QM's api

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