how to rectify " RQMUrlUtility: Server Response code: 400" error ?
I am trying to create a TCR for an existing TER , I am running the below command but not able to succeed
Attempting to create SSL_TLS context SSL_TLS SSLContext not available
Unable to create SSL_TLS context, trying SSLv3
RQMUrlUtility: Calling [ HTTP PUT ] method to upload XML from a specified file to URL
RQMUrlUtility: Server Response code: 400
Disconnecting from the IBM Rational Quality Manager server.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ns2:executionresult xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns6="">
<ns2:executionworkitem href=""/>
3 answers
Try adding:
to the command before the -jar option.
I tried this already but facing the same issue
Default cookie policy RFC_2109 is used.
RQMUrlUtility: Connected to using project "Quality+Manager"
Attempting to create protocol context using system property: TLSv1.2
RQMUrlUtility: Calling [ HTTP PUT ] method to upload XML from a specified file to URL
RQMUrlUtility: Server Response code: 400
Disconnecting from the IBM Rational Quality Manager server.
Yes I ran as you said , it enumerated many options . But now for our problem Quality Manager is our project name , How do you suggest to change it ? I am able to get the "GET" command work for the same , do I need any permission to push data to RQM?
Check if the user role has xml import and export permissions as well.