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Get Requirement ID using RQMUrlUtility

michal steinberger (2139) | asked Jan 20 '16, 1:05 p.m.
I'm using RQMUrlUtiliy for Export Test case and scripts.
can i get the ID of the related requirements?


Accepted answer

permanent link
Brett Bohnn (94111156) | answered Jan 20 '16, 1:43 p.m.
edited Jan 20 '16, 1:44 p.m.
Hi Michal,

Have you tried using calmlinks=true, e.g. the following?:
That will return XML of the test case with the requirement data (ID and title) like this:

href=""/><ns2:requirement summary="myReqTest" rel="validates" href=""/><ns2:requirement summary="368: mySecondReq" rel="validates" href=""/></ns2:testcase>

However, this defect prevents ID from returning so you need iFix012 of 5.0.2 (it is fixed in 6.0.2)  (the defect describes the ID missing from PDF output but the same occurs from any REST API query)


michal steinberger selected this answer as the correct answer

michal steinberger commented Jan 20 '16, 1:51 p.m.


Can I get the requirements attributes too?

Brett Bohnn commented Jan 20 '16, 5:16 p.m.

Hi Michal,

I do not think you can get the attributes of a requirement linked to a test case using the RQM REST API - you likely need to use the RRC API

michal steinberger commented Jan 22 '16, 5:26 a.m.


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