DWA An unrecognized error has occurred.ID CRCRW5074E
5 answers
Has anybody got DWA 9.7 successfully running on Windows 10?
It is not a supported platform but it used to work with 9.6.x
The bug described in the OP is accompanied by a DWA login dialog popping up every time even though the user is already logged in.
If the user logs in again it looks good until they try to browse the DOORS Database content folders when the error pops up again and the login dialog pops up again.
There does not seem to be much activity on the new forum yet so i thought I would try this here again.
I was countering the same error, and to resolve it I needed to update the repositoryUrn attribute value in the festival.xml file.
<08-Dec-2022 13:09:22> [LogApplicationDetails] java.vendor: Oracle Corporation
<08-Dec-2022 13:09:22> [LogApplicationDetails] java.version: 1.8.0_261
<08-Dec-2022 13:09:22> [LogApplicationDetails] java.runtime.version: 1.8.0_261-b12
That JRE is not supported. You MUST use only the IBM JRE 8 64 bit.
Direct link to download IBM Java:
Extract it on the machine where DWA is installed, then create (or edit) the JAVA_HOME variable. The value should be the path to the "jre" folder, like: C:\Program Files\IBM\Java80\jre
The error is likely due because use the wrong JRE.