Hiding Workflow state based on dropdown value

I have created two workflow states in one workitem. Workflow 1 contains 4 states and Workflow 2 contains 5 states.Based on a custom attribute which is of type enumeration contains 2 values issue and defect. If I select issue then I need to hide workflow 2 and if I select defect ,then I need to hide workflow 1. Is there a provision to perform the above mentioned task?
2 answers


Sorry for the confusion. I will explicate the problem in detail. There's only one workitem which is of custom type.In the workitem, there will be many custom attributes in which one of them will be of type enumeration. This enumeration type attribute will contain 2 values. It need not be necessarily issue or defect . For eg value_1 and value_2 will be populated in the dropdown. Further with editor presentation, I added one more workflow.Hence after adding it, I am able to see 2 workflows on the web UI. Now my question is if I select value_1 from dropdown,then is it possible to hide one of the workflows and viceversa if value_2 is selected.
