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Ibm RTC java plug-in deploy/re-deploy on Ibm WebSphere

Pavel Cikota (13610) | asked Jul 11 '16, 3:33 p.m.
I'm newer on IBM WAS

IBM RTC 5.0.2
IBM WAS 8.5.5
OS Win2012

I have a java server-side plugin. It works normal on Tomcat, but it can't deploy on WAS. I use standard folders for plugin:
/JazzTeamServerPath/server/config/ccm/sites - for my project-site folder
/JazzTeamServerPath/server/config/ccm/provision_profiles - for ini-file

I try to add custom properties on "Application servers > Enterprise Applications > server1 > Process definition > Java Virtual Machine > Custom properties"
Value: file:///C:/PROGRA~1/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/conf/ccm/provision_profiles/ 

but plugin still don't deploy (with this and without this option).
What I need to do for deploing/re-deploing my plugin for Ibm RTC

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Pietro Bottino (35715) | answered Jul 11 '16, 4:05 p.m.
edited Jul 11 '16, 4:07 p.m.
Hello Pavel.

After updating plugins on the server (update-site), you must run the server reset procedure.
  • Access the https://yourAddress/ccm/admin?
  • Click "Request Server Reset".
  • Then execute the stop and start server.

Are you executing this reset procedure? Also you can see the ccm.log to find some error.

Pavel Cikota commented Jul 12 '16, 8:27 a.m.

 Yes, I do that (some procedure update plugin on Tomcat), but it gives no effect. Plugin don't  deploy (my plugin not on list of advisors action).

Tnx. I'll try tomorrow to parse ccm-log for something information.

Any ideas?

Pavel Cikota commented Jul 12 '16, 8:29 a.m.

 Yes, I do that (some procedure update plugin on Tomcat), but it gives no effect. Plugin don't  deploy (my plugin not on list of advisors action).

Tnx. I'll try tomorrow to parse ccm-log for something information.

Any ideas?

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