Customized artifact template issue in RQM 6.0.6
1) After customizing the artifact template and applied it for a test plan, I add extra sections to that customized artifact template. But, those sections were not updated in the test plan. why?
2) I customized the artifact template and applying it while creating the test plan, after saving the test plan, I am not able to see which type of template is been used/applied in that particular test plan. why?
Accepted answer
Any change in the template will not have any effect on existing test plan. New changes will appear for new test plan. If you want to add a new section, you can do it by Manage Section in the test plan editor. User can add or remove section from test plan editor and it be different from the template. Also template can also change over the time. So, we don't show it in the UI once test plan is created.