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Predefined query values for Work Item and Work Item List attributes

Angelo Corna (26358382) | asked Oct 21 '19, 7:16 a.m.

When I insert a value on Work Item or Work Item List attributes, I can search the Work Items by Project Area, WorkItem Type or a Query.

Is there the possibility to set/force these fields with specific values?

Thanks in advance.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 22 '19, 2:49 a.m.
edited Oct 22 '19, 2:49 a.m.

 If you ask about using algorithms to

  1. Provide a limited set of choices (so called value set)
  2. Sett the value (so called calculated value or default value) 

Does JavaScript work?

Item List attributes (workitemList, teamareaList,...): I have never been able to write a JavaScript that would be able to provide value sets or set lit type attributes.
Item attributes (work item, project are, contributor etc.): If you can get the UUID of the object, you can return that in JavaScript it should work. I did this for attributes of type contributor. 

Keep in mind that I am terrible with JavaScript.

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